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Newsletter !!!!

Brooks Jenkins

Breakers Athletics Newsletter!!!

Six score and two million or so kilocalories ago, you all answered the call to pursue greatness with me. You, 6 and 7am classes, you rise before and then charge into the rising sun with the strong possibility of missing out on a shower or being late to work. And still, you answered the call. 8:30am you have to wait a full hour before acquiring Martha Bros coffee and endure my refusal to acknowledge you as a morning class. And still you answered the call. Mid-day warriors, you dodge work meetings and then decipher the Glympse app to find out where the workout will actually be held. And still, you answered the call. Evening classes, you face gale force winds, treacherous seals, and an often under-caffeinated or defrosting coach. And still, you answered the call.

You all have chosen to attack the day with me and your fellow Breakers Athletes and i am honored and fully committed in playing my part in our pursuit of greatness. Thank you so much and let’s keep getting after it.

Relevant news!

- 5pm Friday make up sessions have been suspended for the time being to have Happy Hour gatherings and replaced with regular 5pm & 6pm classes on Wednesdays. There are open talks regarding the complete shift to this structure, a two class block (5pm & 6pm) in the evenings, Tuesday-Thursday. It is believed that condensing the three hours will improve upon and already good team atmosphere and enable your coach to BRING IT more consistently. Please feel free to discuss this in person or via electronic carrier pigeons.

- Happy Hour!!! August 4th, yes this Friday, I’ll be waiting to hangout with you at Mission Rock Oyster Bar and Grill on Terry Francois. I’ll be there from Happy Hour to Happy Hour. I say hangout because with certain purchases like t shirts, strength bands and plane tickets, the Breakers coffers need to be replentished before an open tab is placed at the bar in your honor. Be sure to place a hand on the Memorial stadium benches that make up the outside decor and the bar, and say a prayer for all Bear Athletics this coming year.

- T-Shirts!!! Give me your desired size (they're men’s) and I’ll put the order through this Wednesday. Expect a new T-shirt in the early fall by the way.

- Check out the Breakers Athletics weekly news feed (blog) for accounts of everyday displays of greatness, awesome achievements, meal ideas, group updates and events. I’m working on getting the subscription feature to actually its job so please subscribe.

-Vacation!!! As i watch quite a few you come back from some vacation or another an idea crept into my mind; that i haven’t really gotten away for about three years. ( Aside from Kauai last spring but that doesn’t count because it’s almost home)...Which actually isn’t that long for me. So during the first full week of September I’ll most likely be hiding out in a boot shaped country on your dollar, practicing the old school carbo-load trend. I am working on getting two to three guest trainers that i trust with your progress and health.

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